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BrynnLe's Baskets

BrynnLe's Baskets

BrynnLe's Baskets are for families that have a new baby with Down syndrome, and reside in Eastern Idaho. If you have a new baby with Down syndrome, please fill out the following order form so we can get you your BrynnLe's Basket, free of charge, as soon as possible. If you have not had your baby yet but have a Down syndrome or possible Down syndrome diangosis for your baby please contact us so we can connect with you as soon as possible.

Please note that we serve families in Eastern Idaho.  If you live outside of this area and need assistance in connecting with your local Down syndrome group/affiliate, please email us and we will do our best to connect you.

BrynnLe's Basket Order Form (no charge)
First Name *
Last Name *
Address Line 1 *
City *
State/Province *
Postal Code *
First Name *
Last Name *
What would you like in your basket (click all that apply, we would love to give you all of them!)

Here are all of the ways we support new parents, please reach out with any questions:

1- Prenatal Gift Bags: When you receive a diagnosis of Down syndrome for your baby we have a gift bag of a few resources and gifts to welcome you to the Eastern Idaho Down Syndrome Family Connect family. If you receive your diagnosis at Obstetrix of the Mountain States in Idaho Falls the nurses there will give you a gift bag upon diagnosis. If you received your diagnosis from another clinic or did not receive a gift bag from Obstetrix of the Mountain States please go to our contact us page and send us a message so we can get you a gift bag. We are here for you.

2- Hospital Folders: When you have a new baby with Down syndrome in a hospital in the area that our organization covers, you will receive a folder of information for you and your baby. If you had a baby with Down syndrome and did not receive a folder please go to the contact us page and send us a message so we can get you a folder. 

3- BrynnLe's Baskets: After you have your baby with Down syndrome and get home from the hospital, we have a basket full of important information and goodies to welcome you and your new baby to Eastern Idaho Down Syndrome Family Connect. We are here for you and want to help as you start navigating all of the resources for your son or daughter. Please fill out the form below so we know what you want in your basket and how we can best get it to you. 


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    Dash for DS
  • EIDS Hand
    EIDS Hand