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Yelling and Screaming and Hitting... OH MY!

Being a parent is HARD! 

One minute you think, "I've got this!" and then next minute you turn around to your toddler cutting her hair! 

And let's be honest, being stuck at home isn't bringing out the best in all of us! Do you ever find yourself yelling and screaming because you lost your patience? Or have you ever tried to negotiate with your child like it's a hostage situation? I know that I can always use new skills or the opportunity to brush up on some old parenting techniques. 

I was so excited to see that the "Love and Logic Parenting" course is being offered online for FREE if you sign up in April!

You will learn parenting tops on how to: 

  • End arguing and manipulation
  • Neutralize defiance
  • Replace anger and frustration with empathy
  • End bedtime battles
  • Set kids up for success by allowing them to make small mistakes when the price tag is small
  • And much more!

Will you join me?

Click HERE to Sign Up

Check out the Love and Logic Video here

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